Visually impaired elderly person learning to read by touch using Braille.


Please find us at the below events:

Cornerstone Cafe Drop-in Sessions (As part of the Tech for all project)

DateEvery Tuesday, 10am to 12pm
LocationCornerstone Community Café in Denton Holme

This is the first of our new drop in sessions at Cornerstone Community Cafe. LVS will now be holding these sessions on a weekly basis at the Community Hub, every Tuesday morning from 10 am to 12 noon. If you can let us know, then that would be great but likewise, please feel free to pop in if you’re in the area.

The idea of these sessions are to give people the opportunity to discuss any issues they might have, fears or problems surrounding their visual impairment or simply to have a chat about the latest technology available to help them overcome the challenges faced on a daily basis. Types of things you might like to discuss could be, “I'm struggling to see my mobile phone screen”, “I can't see the TV anymore”, “there's no-one to read my mail”, “I miss being able to read books”, “I can't see the dial on my radio anymore”, “I used to use my computer but can't see it anymore”, “What's a tablet?”, “Where can I get a magnifier from?”, “I'd love to be able to use the internet but I'm too old”, “Computers are for the young or even, I'm worried about my vision but either don't know who to talk to about it or am afraid to”.

There are lots of things that can be a cause of worry or concern. Please, don't keep worrying, come along and have a chat with myself, Steve Hyde-Dryden, in complete confidence. Whether you have a visual impairment yourself, or you are a friend or relative of someone else who is struggling with any element of their visual impairment, you might even be a health professional or organisation with a client or service user who may be struggling with something, please either call us or come along. Cornerstone is a wonderful, warm and friendly place to meet. And, they do a great coffee! Use our details to call us or just come along on a Tuesday morning.

Carlisle Sight Support Drop-in Sessions (As part of the Tech for all project)

DateEvery Wednesday & Friday, 10.15am to 12pm 
LocationCarlisle Sight Support, Brunswick Street, Carlisle

Simply called ‘Tech For All’, this is a partnership project working alongside Carlisle Sight Support.  We are offering drop in sessions every Wednesday and Friday morning from 10:15 up until lunchtime at Carlisle Sight Support. Our partnership collaboration allows us to provide a comprehensive array of advice, consultation, demonstration and awareness of an ever increasing range of technology products.  Macular Degeneration is such a prevalent condition amongst those of an older generation and, one that poses a lot of worry and concern, not only to those with the condition but also to their friends and family.  We can provide support and guidance to all involved through this exciting and highly beneficial project.  This though is only one aspect of how this project can help so many people.  In the greatest number of cases, it is simply the fear of the unknown that poses the highest amount of worry, concern and uncertainty.  Allow us to help guide you through this minefield of information overload and simply the unknown. Read more now.


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